Debt service coverage: Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service. 债务还本付息率:即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。
Net income after income taxes 扣除所得税后净收益;扣缴所得税后的净收益
The ratio calculated by taking net income after taxes and dividing it by net sales. 一种财务比率,计算方法为税后净利润除以净销售额。
Changes and Impacts of China Income Tax Law after the Consolidation of the Two Separate Income Tax Regimes; Several Problems of Tax Allowance of the Foreign Capitals are Studied after Two Taxes are Amalgamated 两税合并后我国所得税法的主要变化及影响两税合并后外资税收优惠若干问题研究
For a firm not in liquidation, shareholders have claim to part of the operating income left over after taxes and interest to bond hold-ers have been paid. 即使公司没有清盘,股东也只有在公司已付给债券持有人利息后才可领到股息。
Income after taxes are deducted. 扣除税后的收入。
In addition, enterprises should strengthen the control and expansion of planning strategic system, and include the whole course of enterprises such as supply, production, and sale into strategic planning, to realize the maximization of the income after taxes. 此外,企业应加强对筹划战略体系的控制与拓展,将企业供应、生产、销售全过程纳入战略规划当中,实现税后收益的最大化。
As defined by Stern Stewart Management Service of New York City, EVA is the difference of a company's net operating income after taxes ( NOPAT) and its cost of capital of both equity and debt. EVA是企业税后净营业利润与投入资本成本的差额。